Worksite Assurance (Audits)

We believe worksite assurance is about reviewing what is in place, being positive about what is done well and discussing where there is room for improvement. Overall, this is on the job learning in the real world with real issues and considerations.

McAdams is well recognised in this role providing services to several clients and RCA’s. This includes involvement at a national level with several staff involved in the Waka Kotahi National Assurance Programme.

Our Worksite Assurance services can be tailored to your needs. We offer different types of Audits:

  • Informal – No documentation left with STMS on site. This is a drop by discussion and entirely a training opportunity on the job.
  • Simple Formal – A feel-good approach is applied to the audit. Where the site is generally operating safely the standard SCR is not completed to record defects. The STMS is advised of a good result and any small changes are simply discussed and not documented. A review of the “G” items on the SCR will be done to check all the paperwork is in line. An SCR form will be provided to the STMS.
  • Formal (Full Audit) – A complete Audit is completed identifying all identified defects and review of the paperwork

With all of these options an Audit report will also be provided at the end of the Audits.

Audit reports include:

  • Description of the site audited
  • Discussion of the audit results and compliance with CoPTTM
  • Photos/Video of Drive throughs
  • Site audit forms
  • Summary of results and recommendations

Assurance is an important part of operating as a PCBU and can serve to demonstrate ongoing processes to ensure obligations of the Health and Safety at Work Act are being met. We look forward to working with you and your team.

We can also undertake a review of your TMP’s to provide guidance of improvements If you would like to find out more about this please see Traffic Management Plans.

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